Slaves to Darkness: Quick & Easy With Contrast Paints

So if you’re here just for recipes feel free to skip on ahead, I just wanted to do a quick intro about why & how this all came about in case anyone’s interested in the process of coming up with the color scheme. My parameters for this were that it needed to be fairly simple…

Marvel Crisis Protocol – Quick Tabletop Paint With Contrast Paints

Just to clarify: I used other paints in addition to contrast paints. In the context of coming up with this paint scheme I wanted to use contrast paints as a starting point, then work on refining them as efficiently as possible using coordinating regular paints. This is meant to be more of a guide/color recipes…

Adrax Agatone

So I picked this guy up because I wanted to practice painting some marines. Dunno how other marine HQ sculpts measure up but this one was genuinely enjoyable to paint, was able to do sub assemblies with minimal issues and all the details are nice and crisp. I wanted to stick pretty close to the…

Malifaux – Herald of Obliteration/Tara Core Box

So this ended up being an unintentional use of mostly contrast paints. I actually started doing the Watcher from Kingdom Death in this color scheme (still haven’t finished yet because of all those dang lanterns) and really liked the look for this team so I knew the main color recipe going in, which was based…